Geboren 1957 in Schwyz, Switzerland
Lebt und arbeitet in Brunnen, Switzerland
1999 – 2002 Creative Glass-School Zürich Fusing, Casting, Pâte de verre, Modellbau, Sandstrahlen
2008 – 2011 Creative-Glass-School Zürich Sandguss, Flammenarbeit, Körper aus Licht und Farbe
2012 Creative Glass-School Zürich Druck, Lithographie auf Glas
2019 Creative-Glass-School Zürich Precious Tiny Vessels with Art Clay Silver
– Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas, Coburg, (GER)
– Kirchgemeinde Ingenbohl (SUI)
– UBS AG Zürich (SUI)
– Ernsting Stiftung, Alter Hof Herding, Coesfeld-Lette (GER)
2021 Color, Form, Texture, Yves Suter (SUI)
2020 New Glass Review 41, Corning Museum of Glass, New York (USA)
2019 Neue Werke, Monography, Hakuin Verlag, Zürich (SUI)2017 New Glass Review 38, Corning Museum of Glass, New York, (USA)
2016 Exhibition-Book, European Glass Context 2016, (DK)
2016 20 Years, Collection, Ernsting Stiftung, Coesfeld-Lette, (GER)
2015 Exhibition-Book, Galerie am Leewasser, (SUI)
2014 Exhibition-Book, Coburger Glaspreis 2014, Coburg, (GER)
2013 Exhibition-Book, Fusion, Vitromusée Romont, (SUI)
2013 Exhibition-Book, Glasplastik und Garten, Munster, (GER)
2012 The Playground, Monography, Hakuin Verlag, Zürich, (SUI)
2011 Exhibition.Book, Galerie am Leewasser, (SUI)
2010 Exhibition-Book, Glasplastik und Garten, Munster, (GER)
2009 Exhibition-Book,, Vitromusée Romont, (SUI)
Allmeindstrasse 3
6440 Brunnen
041 8203668